\documentclass[8pt]{scrbook} \usepackage{i/a/utils/latex/sty/LSI-191x235+crop} \usepackage{i/a/workshop/bag/Boxes_and_Glue} \usepackage{00_NEWCOMMANDS} \begin{document} \section{The Guide for the manual} The word “voda” (water) can, as a vocal inscription, be interpreted in endless ways, by varying specific sounds, rhythmically, by permutations, paying attention to the quality, length, intensity of the sound....Only several possibilities will be questioned here. This manual should be used as a combined sheet-river and lake writing*, intended for verbal interpretation. Every single letter-voice lasts for 1 second. The pause lasts in accordance to the number of voices it stands instead of. The size corresponds to sound intensity, and in the case of more successive voices, a flow, fluid sound should be maintained. Naturally, virtuosity shines through and there is a great level of creative interpretation which can be witnessed through gestures, attitude, dramatic elements, melodiousness... Screaming is allowed. Typos represent the parts which are to be emphasized. \subsection{Effect} The manual for reading the word “voda” has a beneficial effect on the lip region, throat muscles, verbal flexibility and diction, helps in the removal of rigidness in the vocal tract and potentially leads to creative forming of voices and sound units of a broad spectrum, starting from monosyllabic and polysyllabic, reaching complex sound units. In several cases it has even led to the successful elimination of dyslexia, amnesia and autism, awakening the primal urge for communication (which is in relation to the speaking patterns of the collective unconscious). The effect can be felt immediately after the first reading. \subsection{Uses} Habitual phraseology, uniform intonation, the speech of merged vocals and mouth half open, stuttering, losing of the sensibility for sonority, constructions of emotional dullness. \subsection{Dosing and how to use} It is considered to have an immensely bigger effect on the younger population (i.e. if used from an early age). That doesn’t mean that it has no effect on adults, but it is less intense, due to some well constructed mechanisms of defense, prejudice, rejection of new methods, change of linguistic identity and habitual behavioral patterns. It showed interesting results in the field of breaking through some verbal regularities and limitations. The impact of that verbal flexibility on the thinking progress is being examined momentarily, because it is considered to have a beneficial effect in that field. There are also indications of a larger percentage of brain activity after longer use, which is certainly interesting, because humans use the minimum of their brain potential (2-3 percent, mostly passively). In the beginning it is necessary to read the manual several times a day, both silently and out loud, in order to adapt the vocal tract. Later, reading out fluently once a day is sufficient. It’s possible to read mutually (with one person), or collectively (with several persons), simultaneously or completely separately, hierarchically or anarchically, in agreement or entirely free, in improvisation (so-called jazz reading). \subsection{Counter indications and side-effects} None have been proven so far, except among people with obsessive-compulsive disorder that can be triggered by use of the manual. It may also cause a vigorous, overwhelming creative urge which can be controlled by paralleled reading of tabloids. There were some cases of water on the and kidney gravel among people with a predisposition toward psychosomatic diseases. There was one case of sea sickness, but this is attributed to the domain of coincidence (casus coincidentalis). It is recommended to pregnant women, but it is necessary to know that the use of this manual, due to its acceleratory effect, can lead to premature birth. Not to be mixed with neither alcohol nor psychoactive substances, because it can lead to paranoid aspirations, and in severe cases to verbal character separation of the personality. \subsection{Storage} Keep in a dry place at temperatures ranging from -5 to the limit of combustion, although optimally it should be kept within moderate continental climate of the middle upper class of democratic societies in the post communist period. An issue for societies in transition hasn’t been made yet, because it wasn’t considered as a long term period. However, a new issue is under serious consideration at the moment, due to the movement of those societies on a path picturesquely named circulus vitiosus. Keep out of the reach of pets, on a shelf or a workspace. Naturally, it can be carried in a purse/briefcase, schoolbag, sports bag, grocery bag, backpack, pouch or sack, but the ambient for reading is of vital importance. \subsection{Best before}: There is no expiration date, which means that the product can be used as long as eyesight and hearing permit. *rechni is a homonym in Serbian meaning both something in relation to word, and river ... \pagebreak \input{water2.tex} \input{water5.tex} %\input{water3.tex} \input{water4.tex} \end{document}