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Make art offers performances, presentations, workshops and an exhibition, focused on the blurred line between art and software programming. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% Workshop hello wor(l)d!, exhibition, Hocus Pocus lectures, Placard headphone concert, Breakfast Club, speed geeking \& PechaGnucha, bookshop. \textbf{chmod +x art}. The computer as theatre, as writer of love letters, the computer as world, a place for revolution, art as executable. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% \vspace{10mm} \textbf{chmod +x art} presents artists that turn our ideas, dreams and fantasies about machines and code up side down and show programming as an infinitely intriguing way of creating. Code is a medium. Whether it is used to formulate instructions for a machine, ideas for people or both. The writing of it influences and shapes the creative process of the artist. For that reason, ghost programmers may be left at home. Besides the importance of writing code yourself, it is essential to show that code. Without source, software art remains a magic trick. Do It Yourself and show us your sh*t! %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% \vspace{8mm} \textbf{{\scalefont{1.5}{program}}}\\ \textbf{visit and take part! 100\% free \url{:)}} \medskip \textbf{Exhibition} \\ 2 -7 March, Opening: Thursday 4 March 19.00 Tue-Sat: 12.00-17.00 \& Sun: 14.00-17.00 (also by appointment!)\\ \textbf{Sign} \smallskip Code poetry, a writing machine and an island inside Random Access Memory, a tiny exhibition with works that project humanity into machines and translate art and revolution into code. With \textbf{Pall Thayer} (IS), \textbf{Wayne Clements} (UK), \textbf{Martin Howse} (UK), \textbf{Graham Harwood} (UK). \bigskip \vspace{8mm} \textbf{Bookshop} \smallskip Small bookshop with books and magazines dealing with free culture and media art. Titles include: FLOSS+Art (Mansoux \& de Valk - Mute publishing), Data Browser; Economising Culture, Engineering Culture, Curating Immateriality, Creating Insecurity (Geoff Cox, Joasia Krysa, Anya Lewin, Malcolm Miles, Hugo de Rijke - Autonomedia), Noise \& Capitalism (Emma Hedditch, Howard Slater, Anthony Iles \& Mattin - Arteleku AUDIOLAB), Neural \& more .. \bigskip \textbf{Workshop hello wor(l)d!} \\ 2, 3, 4 March 10.00-13.00 \& 14.00-17.00 \\ \textbf{Het Paleis, Erlenmeyerzaal} \smallskip The workshop hello wor(l)d! is an introduction to 3 different artistic approaches to programming, using three different programming styles: graphical, textual (code poetry) and life coding. With \textbf{Iohannes Zm\"olnig} (AT), \textbf{Pall Thayer} (IS), \textbf{Dave Griffiths} (GB) and \textbf{Gabor Papp} (HU). \bigskip \vspace{4mm} \textbf{Speed Geeking} \\ 5 March, 14:00-18:00 \\ \textbf{Het Paleis, Erlenmeyerzaal} \smallskip Six 30 minute workshops take place simultaneously. Just like in speed dating, after 30 minutes a bell rings and participants move to another workshop table. Exchange ideas and make new friends! \bigskip \textbf{PechaGnucha} \\ 5 March, 20:00-22:00 \\ \textbf{Het Paleis, Erlenmeyerzaal} \smallskip PechaKucha gone FLOSS! An evening of short but powerful presentations by talent from Dutch art and design academies. 20X20 seconds, short and sweet. \bigskip \textbf{Placard} \\ 6 March, 21.00-23.00 \\ \textbf{Het Paleis, Spectrumzaal} \smallskip The Placard headphone and streaming festival hits Groningen this year. Nested in a mountain of pillows, experimental and electronic music flows to your ears. Bring your best headphones and fluffiest pillow and enjoy a laid back evening with us. With \textbf{IOhannes Zm\"olnig} (AT), \textbf{Dave Griffiths} (GB) and \textbf{No Copy Paste} (HU) \bigskip \textbf{Hocus Pocus lectures} \\ 6 March, 14:00-17:30 \\ \textbf{FMI/Singelhuis, Radesingel 6} \smallskip Source code is abracadabra for many, but in fact the hiding of it leads to even more confusion. Away with the smoke curtain! An exploration of the role open source plays in the understanding of software art. With \textbf{Dmytri Kleiner} (RU), \textbf{Florian Cramer} (DE), \textbf{Martin Howse} (GB), \textbf{Joasia Krysa} (GB) \bigskip \textbf{Breakfast Club} \\ 6 and 7 March, 10:30-12:00 \\ \textbf{Het Paleis, Spectrumzaal} \smallskip Start your day with croissants, coffee and a shower of refreshing short interviews by cyberfeminist \textbf{Nathalie Magnan} (FR). Laid back discussions and a chance to ask questions or simply to wake up. \vspace{40mm} \flexcommentbox{39mm}{196mm}{0mm}% {\logo{i/\freedompath/v/logos/sign_bw_01.pdf} {50}{-10}{280}{340}{width=.13\paperwidth}% \logo{i/\freedompath/v/logos/kunstraad_bw.pdf} {20}{58}{290}{270}{width=.25\paperwidth}% \logo{i/\freedompath/v/logos/goto10.pdf} {50}{70}{350}{280}{width=.19\paperwidth}% \logo{i/\freedompath/v/logos/ggron_bw.pdf} {20}{35}{270}{260}{width=.16\paperwidth}% } \flexcommentbox{4mm}{194mm}{200mm} {{ \scalefont{1.8} \textbf{Addresses} \smallskip \textbf{Sign}, Winschoterkade 10, 9711 EA, \textbf{Groningen} \\ \textbf{Het Paleis}, Boterdiep 111, 9712 LM, \textbf{Groningen} \\ \textbf{Frank Mohr Instituut/Singelhuis}, Radesingel 6, 9711 EJ, \textbf{Groningen} }} \end{multicols} \end{document}